Big Bang
New creation
Adam and eve
Divine inspiration
Fresh reality
Staring at an empty screen
Confusion in my brain
I don’t know what to say to you
Make things right again
Finding the words
But nothing yet
Into an empty void
Thoughts start to flow
Something not impossible
Eventually will grow
Couldn’t remember
Now can’t forget
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks
With a great big bang
Made something out of nothing
Nothing’s never gonna be the same
It all comes together
Then it falls apart
The first few words
Are the hardest part
Explosive ideas
Racing through my mind
Cascading all around me
I’m falling behind
Divine inspiration
Creative spark
Like a bolt of lightning
Emerging from nowhere
Couldn’t see it coming
From out of thin air
Sudden insight
Shines light on dark
It hit me like a wrecking ball
Like a great big bang
Made something out of nothing
Nothing’s never gonna be the same
It all came together
With a flash of light
Making day from night
Turn blindness into sight
Before an after
After no before
Always wanting
Now there’s more and more
It hit me from behind
With a great big bang
Made something out of nothing
Nothing’s never gonna be the same
I couldn’t see it coming
Was a spark to flame
And now that I’m going
I can’t be contained
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